Jivemonkey's Movies
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Finally! A Place to Get REAL Reviews!
Tired of know-it-all, self-involved movie critics? Want a fresh perspective from a "regular guy?" Well, go some place else, cuz I'm a movie snob and my opinion is the only one that counts! But seriously, I will give honest, open reviews of the movies I see. I have no agenda, no studios or newspapers paying me, so I have nothing to lie about. If I think it's great, I'll tell you. If it stinks, I'll let you know. It's as simple as I am!
My Three Rules
There are three rules I always try to adhere to when choosing what to watch and what to avoid:

No TV shows or cartoons turned into movies! (unless said shows are still on the air)


No Straight-to-Video!

Now there are always acceptions, but these are the general rules that have helped me avoid hours of mindless dreck, pointless crap and meaningless retreads! It ain't perfect, but it's all I got!
Jivemonkey's Movies
Your Host.

For more reviews, check out my blog!

Jivemonkey's Perfect lil' Wurld

Walking and continuosly farting with each step is called "crap-dusting." - Me

Got a gripe? Have a Suggestion? Wanna Tell me to Cram it with walnuts?
Don't like what you see? Tell me about it! I will most likely ignore you, but you never know. Make sure you use Jivemonkey's Movies in the subject line. Thanks.
(Image property of FOX Television and Matt Groening)

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